Monday, October 1, 2012

Bryan Bortnem

Bryan Bortnem is a local sculptor from the Black Hills. He lives in Rutland and also works as a jeweler in Brookings. Bortnem has been working as an artist since 1976, when he began making scrimshaw on a bunch of different materials. Scrimshaw is when an artist makes pictures in different materials by carving or using colored designs. Bryan is a self-taught artist.  His work can be found in a lot of galleries around the Hills.

The materials he uses the most are torn paper, stone, and bone. His sculptures are made out of either Black Hills alabaster or Cheyenne River sandstone. Bortnem is also an accomplished gold and silversmith, and he makes handmade necklaces with those materials. Bryan’s work is not just limited to sculpting. He also paints and makes shaman necklaces and crafts using eagle feathers and silver.  All of his works are modern interpretations of traditional or tribal designs.

To see some of his art you can go to and click on his name.